About Thumbnails

About the new policy What is the function of Thumbnails?

Can someone help me with a diagram so I can understand

Because the official manual does not seem to be updated, I can’t understand the purpose of this function.


hi @allen

I will check with the team and get back to you.

Thumbnail is on the summary page of the device info. Here you can get a preview of the desktop and the user is seeing.



It’s more of an extra feature than a necessity, but it is handy in instances of “Yeah, remote in to help me whenever”, then you go to remote in and see that they’re in the middle of a Teams call, so you can check back later instead of interrupting.

hi @allen ,

Thumbnails feature is mainly for admins to understand if the device is currently being used or not. This helps the admin to determine if connecting to the endpoint will disturb end user or not.

P.S: Special thanks to @kwallity for explaining the use case.

@ilgaz if Valkyrie detects a file with Automated Analysis it will be Verdict.Auto.Malware@1.If manual analysis then Verdict.Manual.Malware@1 right

On another note in the same vein- has anyone had issues with the thumbnails not picking up all monitors? I’ve had devices with 2-3 only showing thumbnails for one monitor. I’m still on CC 8.1 though, so it might have been resolved with 8.2?

I figured it out, thanks for your help

hi @kwallity , thumbnail currently reflects only one monitor, but it should be available with CC 8.1. If you have issues with 8.1, please drop an email to support@xcitium.com with details - logs for affected devices, screenshots etc. - and our team will investigate and we will provide a solution.

hi @ilgaz. This is untrue. Since updating to 8.1 and enabling thumbnails I’ve been able to reliably see thumbnails from each monitor connected to an endpoint.Many have 2-3 monitors. It’s been within the last week or so this has degraded on a handful of endpoints. They do seem to be all laptops connected to docking stations, so it may be a transient issue related to the docking/undocking process.