cmddata.dlmdb taking up lot of diskspace

Hello, I wanted to know why cmddata.dlmdb is taking up so much space and if I just delete it?

Hi @Alex314,

Sorry for the trouble caused. Can you please provide what Comodo program and version you are using.
Can you please provide size of cmddata.dlmbm currently you have.

Kind Regards,

je me permets de remonter ce post car j’ai le même problème Avec une fichier cmddata.dlmdb de 68,4 GB
Je suis sur:
une version de comodo Internet Premium Security :
Une base virale 33180
Système windows 10 64bit
Sur un SSD Samsung 250go

Merci de votre aide



Hello I allow myself to reassemble this post because I have the same problem With a cmddata.dlmdb file of 68.4 GB
I am on:
a version of Comodo Internet Premium Security:
A viral base 33180
Windows 10 64bit system
On a Samsung 250go SSD

Thank you for your help


Hi @Vorhalan,

The file cmddata shouldn’t be huge. We would advice you to do a clean uninstall and install,

Please try this official uninstaller

32 bit -…uptool_x86.exe
64 bit -…uptool_x64.exe

Kind Regards,

I don’t think so it takes too much space, as I am using it and there is no such issue.

Merci Beaucoup

Je viens de supprimer Comodo avec l’utilitaire que vous avez conseillé.
La première tentative a eu des erreurs et il a fallut que je désinstalle “Dragon” , et “internet sécure” moi même pour pouvoir relancer la désinstallation.
Puis j’ai eu un redémarrage avec un écran noir.
Mais au 4ème redémarrage c’est bon.
Comodo réinstallé, j’espère que je n’aurai plus de problème.



thank you so much I just removed Comodo with the utility you advised.
The first attempt had errors and I had to uninstall “Dragon”, and “secure internet” myself to be able to restart the uninstallation.
Then I had a restart with a black screen.
But on the 4th restart it’s good.
Comodo reinstalled, hope I won’t have any more problem. Thank you

hi i have the same issue
Taking 100gbs
without uninstalling can i just delete the file?
because i dont won’t to re configure it from the beginning