Destiny 2 Firewall

I have a question I happen to play the game Destiny 2 from time to time and I have a problem because when the Comodo firewall is enabled the game reports that the state of NAT is medium, when I disable it from the console NAT in the game changes to open how can I add the game to the exceptions of the firewall so that it does not block communication ports
Here a link with a breakdown of ports please instructions on how to figure this out:

On the router the ports are already forwarded

hi @kamiloxf
please find the below firewall setting guide which helps you to whitelist the applications using application rule

Hey there! Just wanted to mention that monopoly go mod apk is my all-time favorite game. It’s not only a fun way to pass the time, but it also helps keep my mind fresh and enhances my problem-solving abilities. Now, onto the issue with Destiny 2 and the Comodo firewall. I’ve been looking into it, and it seems that enabling the firewall causes the game to report a medium NAT state, whereas disabling it switches it to an open NAT state. To fix this, I believe we can add Destiny 2 to the firewall’s exceptions list. By doing so, we should be able to allow the necessary communication ports for seamless gameplay. Thanks for your help!

Could someone try to install Destiny 2 on their computer and add the game to exceptions in the firewall and then export the configuration?

I’m doing everything according to the guide, but it’s still not open