Extended Trial Version

Hi, I have a question whether it would be possible to generate a trial version with a longer validity period, preferably 180 days because more or less then the subscription to my current security solution ends and thanks to this I could form opinions whether it is worth changing the solution to Xcitium AEP

hi @kamiloxf

could you please drop an email to support@xcitium.com about your request. The team shall look into the possibility and get back to you.

Thank you

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Hello, Iā€™m interested in trying out Xcitium AEP as my current security solution subscription is ending soon. Is it possible to request a trial version with an extended validity period of 180 days? I believe a longer trial would allow me to thoroughly evaluate the solution and make an informed decision. I understand the importance of SRD status check in ensuring software integrity, but I wanted to highlight the unique relevance of this request. By aligning the trial period with my subscription end date, I can effectively assess the capabilities of Xcitium AEP before committing to a change. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response. Thank you.

hi @henryyy , have you registered to the platform and started trialing already?