Hi, we seeing that Xcitium Verdict Cloud is marking our website as having malware and for being a proxy. Could you please advice as we pretty sure this isn’t the case?
hi @tben
I shall forward the details to the respective team and update you on the feedback.
Thank you!
I have this same issue with my website https://www.florianopolisclinicas.com.br
How can I delist from this list?
I will share the details with the team and get this sorted.
hi ,
the FP issue has been resolved , Please check once from your end. Thank you
Thank you. I’ll be waiting for good news
Solved! Thank you @nivedithab
Our website https://eauction.auctiontiger.net/EPROC/ showing phising. But this is our own developed website. Seems false postive. Kindly do needful remove this phising flag
hi @ravichawla
I will forward the details to the verdict team to look into the same.
Thank you. I’ll be waiting.
My client website is added as flagged. It was infected and i have cleaned everything. Please submit the website to team to review for it
Hi @msoftgkpk , i will forward the details to the team adn get this resolved
hi @msoftgkpk
the False positive has been removed.
Hi, I see that Xcitium Verdic Cloud is marking our website as phishing. Could someone review this as it should be clean and not blacklisted?
Hi @cross
I have shared the details with the verdict team to look into it
Hi, I see that Xcitium Verdict Cloud is marking our website “assistanz.com” as phishing. Could someone review this as it should be clean and not blacklisted?
I have shared the details with the verdict team to look into it
Hello, any update on this ?
Hi @ravichawla
The False positive has been removed by our team for the url: https://eauction.auctiontiger.net/EPROC/
Thanks a lot. Its done.