Global Block List / Global Blacklist to easily block a trusted application

Please could I request this be added to the roadmap for a future platform update?



@Umut @ilgaz, let me know what you think.

To be ISO 27001 compliant, this has to happen.
We need a way to easily block applications.


hi @nct , could you please provide how exactly you would like to see this on UI? Even some screenshots would be great. I am asking this in order to have full understanding and alignment with you so that we can deliver exactly what you want.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @ilgaz

In the same locations your templates have the global whitelist, add another rule by default for the blocklist.

Thank you very much, clearly understood. Just to confirm, something like below:

and then respective block rules predefined in AV, firewall, HIPS, Containment sections.

Can you confirm?

@ilgaz , that’s right, although, I don’t think there is currently a way to add a block rule to AV?

AV already blocks (and quarantines) anything that is marked as malicious. However, via adding a Containment Block (and Quarantine if selected) rule, you can easily setup such rule and use a file group variable of your choice in it.


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Of course, I forgot about the ‘quarantine program’ option.

I have a +1 for this request - I want to be able to block, certificates, as a means for blocking a publisher. We have a specific tool that we want to keep blocked but they rebuild it frequently to evade, labeling, changing the hash values and etc, which removes any hash-specific rules or exceptions. Any way we can just, “block” an entire signer/certificate? Anything signed with that, cert?

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hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity, does installation folder change as well? If not, you can block everything that is under a specific folder as well.

Some of these tools are not designed to generate, installation folders or are not installables, just run-ables, per say.

Persistence or presence of a file path or hash cannot be relied on.

Also would this not…be susceptible to the whole “folder switcheroo” trick?

I was thinking that there should be a dedicated way to block an app inside the profiles, where you would just add applications you don’t want running on company 7zip, notepad++, firefox, etc