Hotfix Release Notes of Xcitium Enterprise & Platform (October 17, 2024)

Hello Xcitium Team,

We’re happy to share that the Xcitium Enterprise & Platform Hotfix Release is set for October 17, 2024! :rocket:

The release is expected to take around 1 hour. We don’t anticipate any disruptions to the portal during this time, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on the system. If you notice any issues following the release, please reach out to us right away!

Release Schedule:

  • US & EU Regions: Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 10:00 AM

Here’s a brief overview of what to expect:

Xcitium Enterprise & Platform Hotfix Details

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where XCS was automatically installed on endpoints after configuring MDR log forwarding settings.
  • Fixed an issue where Verdict Details in Hash Search were incorrectly redirected to a different domain instead of

Xcitium Client Security Agent for Windows (XCSW) Additional Info

Version 13.2.0 of XCS has been re-released with an updated code signing certificate, resolving the certificate revocation errors encountered during installation.

Appendix: New Portal Versions

  • Xcitium Enterprise: 4.36.1
  • Xcitium Platform: 9.3.3
  • OpenEDR: 4.36.1
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How do we update existing 13.2.0 installations to the new release?

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Hi @nct

I use the platform’s Update Additional Packages and it seems that it can be updated directly, but it requires a restart to complete the update.

Also to add, even after updating to, I still cannot remove XCS from the console.

Hi @nct,

As @allen has suggested, you can use Xcitium web portal to replace the agents. The restart may be required to complete this operation.

Best Regards,

It seems the Itarian platform hasn’t been updated yet and is scheduled for today, so I couldn’t locate the new package.

Hi again @nct,

Yes, that’s correct. We provide updates for Xcitium through this forum. As far as I know, ITarian will also provide updates by the end of the day.

Best regards,

Hi @Umut

Can you confirm this issue?


Hi @allen,

We have not detected any errors in this regard. If you think you have an error, please send an e-mail to and get help.

Best Regards.

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Hi @Umut

There was a problem after I updated the test that day, but it seems to be normal now.


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