I have gotten a copyright strike from a person on a video "Comodo/Xcitium vs Chaos Ransomware. Would like to know if this has been done maliciously

Hello! I am Yuki/Eclypsee Tech and recently I’ve gotten a copyright strike on my channel which just said “Comodo Firewall” as if the person owns that software. I’d please like to privately reach out to Xcitium team to resolve this issue and report this back to YouTube so that this video may be reinstated. I’d like to ask for assistance and help as soon as possible as this video was quite popular and there’s possibly a person abusing YouTube copyright system.
Kind Regards.
Eclypsee Tech.

How can a person do this to you, I like your videos, the person doing this has to be identified.

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No idea, I would like an Xcitium employee to confirm that there was no one here trying to do it legitimately for any reason, or if it was legitimate, please to explain why.
Thank you.

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I also have the mail and name of the person who filed the claim, that I am willing to share with employees and company, hence if they claim to own the “Comodo Firewall” then they are known here as well.

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@staff Eclypsee needs your help and to figure out whats going on someone is pretending they own Xcitium Firewall

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@staff Eclypsee needs your help

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hi @Eclypsee_Tech

I will check with the internal team and get back to you on this.

thank you


Thank you for aknowledgement, I’d love for this to be resolved ASAP. Much love.


hello dude. im not staff nor related to comodo but i have some videos about cis too. if the request was from comodo itself it needs to have informations regardless comodo on youtube claim. if not, then its someone trying to do the wrong stuff. in that case dont need to waste any more time. go to youtube studio and file a complain against it and express its an fake claim. youtube will check it out and will ban the person who did it. in recent years youtube is full of these … people…


It was not by Comodo/Xcitium whatsoever, mail was also not associated with Xcitium. The person is on no records and they own no right to claim “Comodo Firewall” as something they own. Again, if the strike was legitimate, then they’d strike it from official Xcitium account.
And I cannot file a complaint as I do not want the person getting hold of my private information.
If you wanna know more, add me on a platform like Discord or Telegram.
Other then that, I’ll wait for feedback.


Looked into this,

@nivedithab / @melih if you have a contact at Google/YouTube/YouTube’s Integrity Team or otherwise an “IP Support associate”, you may wish to contact them and ask that they review and rescind this strike. While it’s not, XCITIUM/COMODO’s requirement to nor did the strike originate FROM, COMODO/XCITIUM, this is a standard scum tactic by fraudsters to claim random videos, songs, etc - knowing the counter-claimant will need to sacrifice their personal information to counter it. It would be, within XCITIUM & COMODO’s positive security interests, to participate in defending their own community at any available level.


@nivedithab Any news when the team will respond?


hi all

I am checking with the internal product management team on this. once I have received feedback, will get back to you on this.

thank you for your understanding and patience.


hi @Eclypsee_Tech , I sent you a PM regarding this issue to obtain more information.

Ultimately, it looks like a scam, but we will make sure via further investigation…


Thank you very much. Appreciate the help y’all provided. You have no idea.:sweat_smile:
Let me know what it boils down to at the end though, please.


Hello @nivedithab is the team working on it?

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hi @Nik
team is already investigating on this

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