My account is not being allowed on COMODO FORUM

Hello there.

As stated in the last topic Im an old member of the forum who got banned.

I tried to create a new account there as Im banned with my old account and can not contact any mods there. So, I tried creating a new account and someone just deleted my submission for the account creation and marked my e-mail as not allowed on the forum.

So it seems mods doesnt want me as a user of comodo products, Is that right? Please, somebody explain this to me. If so, all good. I can leave and find another security solutions for my business and home.

@nivedithab @ilgaz please take action to this and help him

hi @vitaotek

apologies for the inconvenience. We will check with the concern team on the details and take necessary action .

np. i guess people think im trying to comeback to troll or something like that but as i showed here, its not the case. but i can understand the lack in trust. np if it is the case. anyway, this weekend ill bring an extra video to my yt channel that ill explain many things regardless the 5 videos that is getting showed there during this week and in the background ill be showing cis (the onld one, not the 2024 beta, just for the fun) against 100 newly malwares (i already have the testing video done and its impressive and in this test im not even running the cis av component, only firewall and containment). If you agree I can bring the link in here when its released. Its a good review and testing for cis and an good comparative between cis 2020 and others like bitdefender, avg, avast, avira and windows defender.

i think VirusScope(Static and Dynamic Analysis) did really good

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so, any news regardless this? my account there is by the name of victorlopes as login. when i try to enter the forum using my e-mail i get this message:

“Account suspended: No constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community”


we are checking internally for the issue , we apologise for the inconvenience caused. I shall update you once received feedback form them

thanks for that. no problem.

Hello again.

Just to inform that I created a new account at comodo forum to post the topic about my video testing cis against 100 newly released malwares. But the new account and the topic are on hold… :slight_smile:


Hello guys.

I need some tips here. My account is allowed. I can login at COMODO Forums, but I can not interage in any topics. Can you guys take a look at whats going on? If im not allowed to participate in the forum, why allow the account to be created in the first place?

Anyway. Im waiting for the final release of CIS 2024 so I can do an overview and test it against 100 newly releasd malwares (just like the other videos).

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