Melih, when will we see research and forward publications from Xcitium Intelligence?
Microsoft, shares Threat lab posts, alerts, etc
RecordedFuture, shares intelligence reports
Watchtowr, shares CVE’s/PoC’s etc.
While XCITIUM can have the technology to say “Yes, we catch everything”, attackers and defenders expect to see the hamster wheel spinning so to speak, as to HOW well you understand those threats and thus how well we can expect you to account for them. What threats you see, how you track them, how you learn from them, etc.
Yes, I’m glad XCS has “Kernel API Virtualization”, but I’d also love to know/see appropriately tested thru engineering things like “a polymorphic, obfuscated, encrypted reverse shell generator”. When you showcase your capabilities to stop what some may consider an “advanced” threat, then you have that justification that carries further for your organization. If, by the way, “Kernel API Virtualization” truly is the defensive end-all threat-containment-wise, how many red-teamers are currently on, the XCITIUM team? If you’ve indeed created a “standard” of technology for blue team work, the only thing left to do IS break it. If you can’t break it? Hire a firm like ours, like any other software evaluation and research firm out there that will have, a fresh perspective, fresh eyes, and fresh tactics that you simply can’t mentally, bring into frame, because you’ve never considered them. Security research is, in that aspect, incredibly unique - I cannot stress this enough.
Please reconsider the voice you’re interacting here with. We’ve all seen the Threat Labs page, you felt the need to attach arrows pointing at the two badges. We get it, “the numbers show”. That doesn’t, however, reflect a level of intelligence present within the product. It may be, a reflection of efficacy, but remember that cybersecurity is always going to be in some form or variation an endless game, on SOMEONE’s part - outside of the records of efficacy, there is no background context in the intelligence of oversight. There is no way, to see into the future, and no way to measure YOUR ability to attempt to, AS a consumer, ON a consumer’s behalf.
For example, with AI entering the workforce, what features are coming to XCS to stop enterprise data leaks to AI, track AI agent usage, etc. These are serious threats to data privacy as an employee can indeed just, dump whatever they wish into any of these chatbots - and no, you cannot just say “it’s already addressed” by “mixture of components” because what a consumer, will want, enterprise or otherwise, is a specific toggle that makes it evident, AI controls are present and enabled.
I almost, and you know what you can prove me wrong, tag when you do and I’ll admit I was wrong, but I nearly guarantee that Falcon will have dedicated “AI Controls” before XCS does - because somebody was a step ahead when they took the security perspective about LLM’s and went “oh shit, this is going to be a PROBLEM”
The quality of a security product is, not only measured by its ability to protect, but also its usability in protection. There are still various instances while where XCS may be delivering, high quality protection, it feels functionally like a Toyota Corolla that’s about to lose a wheel…Users will experience this, administrators may experience this, and that is what is the consumer’s perception to develop - not yours to invalidate by saying “but the security…” yeah, the security’s great, but XYZ behavior. I encourage, deeply, someone on your team to dedicate a couple hours to just screwing the hell out of a computer after installing XCS and experiencing different variations of configuration - it’s not always a fantastic time.
One last thing. This homepage? Someone needs to redo it, for the simple fact that it is a lockout.
I see “REQUEST DEMO”, and I see “Request demo”. If I want, safety, right now? There is no, explicit way, start right here. None of that is helpful. The point is not “oh, our sales people are really helpful, they’re really nice, they have great deals” if the security’s worth buying it’ll be bought, but let me screw with it when you have me captive, on the page. I’m looking around on the page, okay where can I go from here, how do I get with this, check this out…I don’t see any direct actions to be taken…According to generally modern design exhibits, you should widen the page, brighten it up, open up the platform by having say, two CTA buttons, “Learn about the platform” and “Protect an endpoint now” with the latter leading into a signup experience - but for the love of GOD, when the only initial visible and highlighted options are to talk to people, I promise you that users are facepalming going “ugh do I really want to deal with this?”. Your business and sales model needs to be equally friendly to people who know exactly what they’re shopping for and will give you, your money, interaction free, if they find what they want.
Your thoughts?