I decided to replace another EDR with OpenEDR/xcitium on a couple Windows 2016-2022 Servers running SQL/ASP workload. I noticed an immediate impact to performance, page load times are 20-30x. I ended up creating some configuration profiles and consecutively disabling various protections but ever with everything disabled and just the agent running the impact is significant. Are there any other changes available to address this?
Hi, I think we have the same issue form time to time, since we updated to v2.6 clients have been complaining their machines are slower than normal. We are removing some of them and installing v2.5 and seems to be okay for now. But i do see the new hotfix wil fix the performance issues
Our technical team requires logs to investigate further about the issue.
Request you to download and run the CisReportTool in order to collect the XCC and the XCS logs:
The tool collects both XCC & XCS logs and attempts to upload them to our SFTP (Device name is included in the name of the output).
1.1. Download RAMMap tool by the link - RAMMap - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn.
1.2. Unzip archive.
1.3. Run unzipped file RAMMap.exe, select ‘File’ in the menu → Save.
2.1. Download vmmap tool by the link - VMMap - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn.
2.2. Unzip archive.
2.3. Run unzipped file vmmap.exe, select cmdagent.exe and click OK.
2.4. Select ‘File’ in the menu → Save → cmdagent.
Once you have collected the logs request you to share the same with us to escalate it to the corresponding team.