Phishing / Malicious Shopping Domain

Howdy folks.

Wanted to drop by and ask if threat team could be asked to mark “” as malicious via Verdict Cloud

This domain belongs to a fake “US” electronics store based out of Turkey which we came across during Brand Protection operations and, as far as all has been shown to us, it’s not a safe place for consumers to shop or transact. Damaged/nonfunctional products, tampered products, fake warranty sales, reselling fake devices, etc.

If you need additional details regarding this please feel free to DM, otherwise, have a good day :slight_smile:

hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity

Thank you for feedback , I will forward the details to the backend team to take necessary action.

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hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity

The phishing has been updated

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Hey niv,

Could you confirm this verdict is being distributed? VT alerting undetected

hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity
I will check with the concern team on the same to look into it.

hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity

The rating has been updated from our side as Malicious phishing.

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