Please check the platform status

Hi @Umut

Can you check the Patch Management and Vulnerability Management pages of the European platform? Currently, both pages show a 404 status.

Looks like the situation has been fixed, is there any official person who can explain?

I believe this has already been fixed.

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Hi @allen

The issue has been fixed. Could you please check from your side

HI @nivedithab

I know the problem has been fixed, but I don’t want to discover these things from our user end every time, and then there is no official announcement, and then I can only refresh the page and hope that it will be fixed suddenly.

Hi @allen

Regret the inconvenience caused to you. I will share your feedback with the team and ensure we provide our atmost support and services always

Thank you

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Hi @nivedithab

I believe that some transparent information announcements can help users better understand the situation. I look forward to COMODO doing better. Thank you to the team for your hard work.

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sure @allen

thank you for your understanding and patience with us.

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I had mentioned in the past that page needs to be updated whenever there is a issue. It was an outage and we also had operations guys complaining about it.

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apologies for the inconvenience , I have shared your feedback to the team to look into it.

I’ve previously requested this, too.

@ilgaz, would it be possible for outages to be shown on the status page?