Release Notes for Xcitium Enterprise & Platform and Agents September Release (October 24, 2024)

Hello Xcitium Community,

We’re thrilled to announce a major release for Xcitium Enterprise & Platform, along with related agents, scheduled for October 24, 2024! :rocket:

The release will be deployed over a 4-hour window, and no downtime is expected. If you experience any issues after the update, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Release Timing:

  • Global Deployment (US & EU Portals, Agents): 2024-10-23T21:00:00Z

This release brings the new XCS Windows (XCSW) agent, now supporting Windows 11 24H2. Alongside this, we’ve implemented several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Here’s a quick look at what’s coming:

Xcitium Enterprise & Platform


  • Added a compatibility label for Windows 11 24H2 to the XCS support page.
  • Improved email notifications for 9 and 10 point alerts, based on addresses defined under Notification Settings.


  • Resolved an issue where SOCaaP-managed endpoints became unmanaged due to conflicts between MDR log forwarding settings and profile definitions.

Xcitium Client Security – Windows


  • XCS now supports Windows 11 24H2!
  • XCS agents are now installed with the Xcitium logo and branding by default, preventing potential rebranding issues.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the XCS agent GUI processes from launching on user logon.
  • Corrected a typo in the “Enable Intel TDT” description within XCS.


New Portal Versions

  • Xcitium Enterprise: 4.37.0
  • Xcitium Platform: 9.3.4

New Agent Versions

  • Xcitium Client Security – Windows (XCS Windows): 13.3.0

Signed Bulk Package Versions

  • Xcitium Client Security – Windows (XCS Windows): Latest Stable – 13.2.0
  • Xcitium Communication Client – Windows (XCC Windows): Latest Stable – 9.2.0

We’ll keep you posted as the release unfolds. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. Thanks for your continued support! :muscle:

Kind regards,
Xcitium Product Management Team

  1. The “Turn traffic animation effects on” doesn’t work on the Xcitium tray ico.

  1. It still registers as COMODO in the security center and notification settings of the OS.

XCS agents are now installed with the Xcitium logo and branding by default, preventing potential rebranding issues.

Hi @Redstraw,

Thank you for your feedback. We will look into the first item you mentioned. As for the second item, the recent update was primarily related to images and did not affect the security center definitions. These definitions will be updated in future releases as well.

Best regards.

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Have there been any reported issues yet with 13.3.0 or has the feedback been positive?

Hi @nct,

It’s a bit early for feedback, but we’ve released another hotfix. With this update, the XCS for Windows agent version 13.3.1 will be available starting today. Please check this out: Hotfix Release Notes of Xcitium Enterprise & Platform, Agents (November 7, 2024)

We are continuously working to improve and provide you with a better product.

Best wishes.
Xcitium Product Management Team

Just seen you have released a new version due to BSOD.

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