Requesting script to deploy Huntress Agents

Hello i’d like to request to automate the installation of Huntress. I have a single command line which appears as:
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’,$env:temp+'/HuntressInstaller.exe’);iex $env:temp’\HuntOrg keressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY=CLIENT_NAME’

With the account key and org key as Parameters.There’s also a powershell script located at: deployment-scripts/Powershell/InstallHuntress.powershellv2.ps1 at main · huntresslabs/deployment-scripts · GitHub

I hope those items assist in the creation of a procedure that functions through Xcitium

Gentry with

hi @PremJKumar

could you please look into this script request

Hi @GentechMSP ,

Thanks for your script request, we have created an internal script task “CS-60300” and shared it with our script developer to check and provide feedback.

Kind Regards,

Hi, Just out of curiosity, are you planning to switch to Huntress?

Im an MSP and need an MDR solution for a few of my client’s I haven’t made an absolute decision yet. Im scheduled to meet with Contraforce as well soon. I was given a 90 day license for Huntress to try out the product. Since Huntress itself isn’t an EDR but a SOC provider. Since they can work using Xcitium EDR ingestion im considering keeping both if I can maintain everything with a 100$ per mo seat prices instead of 75$…