Requesting script to deploy Huntress Agents

Hello i’d like to request to automate the installation of Huntress. I have a single command line which appears as:
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’,$env:temp+'/HuntressInstaller.exe’);iex $env:temp’\HuntOrg keressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY=CLIENT_NAME’

With the account key and org key as Parameters.There’s also a powershell script located at: deployment-scripts/Powershell/InstallHuntress.powershellv2.ps1 at main · huntresslabs/deployment-scripts · GitHub

I hope those items assist in the creation of a procedure that functions through Xcitium

Gentry with

hi @PremJKumar

could you please look into this script request

Hi @GentechMSP ,

Thanks for your script request, we have created an internal script task “CS-60300” and shared it with our script developer to check and provide feedback.

Kind Regards,

Hi, Just out of curiosity, are you planning to switch to Huntress?