Hey guys. How is everyone?
My name is Victor. I’m a former member of the COMODO forums who was banned (and I believe unfairly but that doesn’t matter anymore).
I’ve been away from the forum precisely because of this type of conduct and arbitrariness with bans that I consider unjustifiable but as I mentioned, that doesn’t matter anymore.
What matters is that I remain a user of Comodo Internet Security and continue to wait for the final 2024 version to be released.
As I didn’t have the time or means to carry out tests and report bugs to the developers, I ended up just complaining on the forum and annoying everyone
But today things have changed a little and now I’m producing content for YouTube.
I recently started a project that comprises 5 test videos with the best rated antiviruses on the AV-TEST and AV-COMPARATIVES websites. Each video is being published every day for an entire week.
At the end of this series of videos, I will bring a sixth video that will be an extra and will be an extensive test of COMODO INTERNET SECURITY against 100 recently released malware. But in this video I only install the Firewall with COMODO self-containment. The video is ready and will probably be published next Saturday.
Meanwhile, I have two videos about CIS 2024. One demonstrating its basic configuration and the second carrying out some tests of it against some recently released malware as well.
For anyone interested, follow the links.
It’s interesting because it’s a slightly unconventional and independent approach as I prepare the virtual environment and carry out the tests myself. Many tests are yet to come.
I want to take this opportunity and politely ask that if anyone here has contact with cruelsister, please ask her to send me at least 5 new malware produced or modified by her so that I can make some videos testing other antiviruses (which will probably fails to detect these files) and one with the new CIS blocking these files.
Here are my current videos:
Comodo Internet Security 2024 Beta 2 Review and Basic configurations with explanations: https://youtu.be/WgbCRoQY9OA
Comodo Internet Security 2024 FINAL BETA Review and Test again some newly released malware: https://youtu.be/oMN2Ub39E4c
Note: I’m Brazilian so the videos are in Brazilian Portuguese but it is possible to activate YouTube’s automatic subtitles.
I sincerely hope I don’t get banned for nothing again.
As I mentioned, I don’t have time to report bugs but I can produce videos demonstrating things related to CIS and maybe this will be of some help both to promote the product and to help developers get feedback.
Have a great day.