Script request: Confirmation after POP message

Hi Script Master

I saw a script “To display Pop up message as Company announcement” in the script release area. I have no problem using it so far, but I would like to ask if there is a way to make a confirmation option based on this script and then send it back to Does the console let me know if the user has seen this message?


hi @allen

I have forwarded the request to the concern team and they will get back to you.

Thank you

Hi @allen ,

We checked with our script developer and got the information the pop-up message has an ok button as well as a close button. So if the end-user closes the pop-up message without clicking on the ok button, it will show “user closed the window without clicking on the ok button”.

Until the user clicks the ‘OK’ or ‘close’ button on the popup, the script won’t get completed.

Do you want any modifications in the script?

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJKumar

Is it possible to add a function here to count the list of devices that have been confirmed and the list of devices that have not been confirmed, and mail them to the mailbox I specified.


Hi @allen ,

We have asked our script developer to look into your request and check its feasibility. Ticket ID: CS-53968 for future reference.

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJKumar

Where can I check this ticket?


Hi @allen ,

This is an internal task ticket shared with you to acknowledge that your request has been registered and shared with our script developer.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @PremJKumar

Ok, I understand. I originally thought there would be a webpage where I could check the progress of this ticket. Thank you for your reply.

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Hi @allen ,

Our script developer wants to convey that the script won’t finish until the end user clicks either one of the buttons. So does the customer just want to know who clicked either one of the buttons right?

So we can make the script send the mail to every system that has clicked either one of the buttons.
we can’t count the machines that have been confirmed. we can send mail to every machine that has confirmed the pop-up message.

For example, if there are 10 devices and if 7 devices are confirmed or closed, you will get 7 mail.

Kind Regards,

Hi @PremJKumar

Thank you for your kind reply. This sounds like a compromise. Can you try developing it and let me test it to see what the actual results are?


okay @allen, we will ask our script developer to prepare the script.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @allen

As per the request, our script developer has made the script. please import this JSON file on the portal and test the script by running it as LOGGED IN USER -
The script will be shared in a private message to your inbox.

Please provide the title and the message in the script as shown below in the screenshot,

Also please give the email credentials in the parameters shown below in the screenshot,

You shouldn’t give the actual password of the From Email address. instead, you should generate the 16-digit application password and use it in the script.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @PremJKumar

Thank you for your reply. I was too busy a while ago and I didn’t have time to test it. I’m very sorry. I will find time to test it as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Can you modify this to convert the announcement text to parameter? Reason is we do not give edit permission on procedures to everyone but the user has procedure execute permissions. So when they run the procedure they should be able to modify the title, and body of the message.

Hi @myr ,

We have shared your suggestion with our script developer and provide you feedback.

Kind Regards,

This sounds super handy! Will have to try it out soon.

Hi @myr ,

Our script developer has modified the script as requested and shared it with you as a private message, so please check your inbox and provide feedback.

Please import that JSON file into the portal and run it as a logged-in user.

Checkout the screenshot below for reference:

Kind Regards,

Thanks for the script.

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