Script to disable browser password saving via registry


Can you please provide a script that creates/updates the below registry keys to block password saving in Chrome, Firefox & Edge?

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome
Subkey: PasswordManagerEnabled
Field: DWORD
Value: 0

Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox
Subkey: PasswordManagerEnabled
Field: DWORD
Value: 0

Key: KLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Subkey: PasswordManagerEnabled
Field: DWORD
Value: 0

Interested to know what your use case is for this? Do you not allow users to save passwords as part of your best practices or is this a case where its public computers or something of that nature?

Hi @jakeritter,

Please try this script and provide your feedback.

Kind Regards,

That’s working. Thanks!

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Though you have a solution, why not do it via GPO?