Script to disable Recall / AI Data Analytics on implimented devices

If nobody else is going to ask for it, I will

Can we please get a script that sets the appropriate values within the registry to block Recall’s AI Data Analytics, since Microsoft is still under the impression this feature is a good idea?

We’ve already seen full demo’s even in “testing”, of infostealers being able to rip OCR’d text and images from the Recall database - if we’re trying to secure an “AI ready” PC, we need to be able to kill Recall.

I ask that in the procedures list, it appear from a search of “Disable Windows Recall AI feature” or similar

hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity
I have requested the concern team to look into your request. They will get back to you.

thank you

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Hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity ,

Your script request has been shared with our script developer and an internal task ticket has been created for your reference CS - 55519.

Kind Regards,

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Instead of disabling Recall, can it be deleted instead from the OS and make it so it can’t come back through Windows Updates and any future Windows updates/features that detects it is not there then re-install it self so it is blocked and gone for good.

One of the requirements is huge amounts of disk space which I am not going to fund.

What if this is set to 0 Zero and made read only so it can’t save anything as well ?.


@Cakeyforme Unfortunately this is a less useful choice unless XCITIUM truly labels all of the individual components as “PUA/Malware”. Windows loves to do that thing where you uninstall shit and 5 seconds later it re-installs because father Microsoft knows best. The best thing to do is simply, follow their instructions for disabling it, and if it turns out it’s not disabled, sue the piss out of them over it. Otherwise, Microsoft will learn nothing.

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What are your thoughts on, Microsoft’s updated reasoning and security modifications to recall? I am still not willing to include Recall in our or our customer’s risk profiles, but do you feel their changes are in any way sufficient?

Hi @BeeHiveCyberSecurity ,

Please check your inbox for private message, we have shared a script developed by our script developer. Please check and provide your feedback.

Kind Regards,

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Save the script to a .ps1 file, for example, DisableRecallAI.ps1.