Website Categories on VirusTotal

When scanning our website ( on, the “Xcitium Verdict Cloud” category is “unknown”. Would it be possible for you to set it to “Finance & Investment”? Do we need to take any action on our side? Thanks.

hi @alaj , category is updated as suggested.

Nice, many thanks!!!

When scanning our website (
) on, the “Xcitium Verdict Cloud” category is “unknown”. Would it be possible for you to set it to “E-learning platform”? Do we need to take any action on our side? Thanks.

When scanning our website ( on, the “Xcitium Verdict Cloud” category is “unknown”. Would it be possible for you to set it to “E-learning platform”? Do we need to take any action on our side? Thanks.

Hi @kushala

I have shared the details with the relevant team to look into it

its very urgent please check it fast

please check it fast

hi @kushala
the details has been already shared with the team, allow us time to get back to you with the resolution.

Hi @kushala

The changes has been made. Please do check from your end

When scanning our website [] on [], the “Xcitium Verdict Cloud” category is “unknown”. Would it be possible for you to set it to “Energy”? Thanks

Hi @attila.racz.futureal

I will forward the details with the concern team to take necessary action.

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Hi @attila.racz.futureal

Since we don’t have Energy category, we have changed it to Business which is closest category to the website’s content, please do check the same from your side

Hi @nivedithab
Perfect, thanks for the quick turn-around.