Will XAMAS(Xcitium Automated Malware Analysis Service) be added to Xcitium Verdict Cloud?

I’m sure they will. Thnx

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@nivedithab is the team on the way to fix the 2 issues?

hi @Nik

the team is already working on the two issues and have shared the sha1 details as well from the screenshot. I will update you on the feedback once heard from them.

Thank you

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xcitium is good, but comodo is more commercial…

@nivedithab still its not fixed will it soon?

Hi @Nik

Apologises for delay,

I have already raised to concern team and waiting for their feedback. They are also working on to get this resolved.

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hi @Nik ,

The issue regarding the file given below has been resolved. Our analyst have marked the file as malware from their end


regarding the issue " another problem Static Analysis Detector Name TLS callback functions array detected is always Clean not Suspicious in every sample but in 2016-2017 was Suspicious so fix that too "

I have checked with the team and they have confirmed after analyzing that "there is a score, if the score is below a certain value it will turn to clean . overall score is important "

@nivedithab but Static Analysis overall verdict is always No Threath Found not Highly Suspicious pls fix that too

But the analysis problem is solved?

The team has marked the file as malware from their end.

regarding the static analysis overall verdict , the respective has informed that the rule is not precise and the static analysis considers the overall score card according to which it will turn on the clean if the score of overall value is below a certain point.

@nivedithab The Analysis problem is not fixed this may be the reason why Static Analysis Overall Verdict is always No Threath Found even if it has suspicious behaviours

Let me check with the team and share the screenshot with them to look into the analysis problem again.

I always want to give my 2 cents here, i also get it a lot where it’s stuck on analyzing, then nothing happens. Also, when will XCS support more file uploads? So far it can’t upload .elf, js,ps1, vbs etc. This is an opportunity for Xcitum to identify more fileless malware, we then have to do it via the website and can only do 1 file at a time which is a BIG PAIN for me. I use the Unknown, now te new THAT file to upload bulk but still not every file extension is supported. Also, i had to object a couple time the clean verdict, as the virus total score will be high, then i wonder how can Xcitium rate it as clean when over 30 vendors rate is a malicious for example. Make me wonder what malware are rated as clean and might slip in. As per example, this file is clean:

Now you click on the VT button in valkyrie, it take you to this page and results:

So it this now malware or not? As 18 vendors think it is.

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hi @QuickSilverST

I have shared the details along with screenshot to the Verdict team to look into it, I shall update you on the feedback once heard from them .

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and the Analysis problem needs to be fixed too

also @nivedithab as you can see even if it has 3 suspicious behaviours its still No Threath Found

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I understand your concern, I have shared all the screenshots and details with the Verdict team to look into the analysis problem as priority.
Kindly request your understanding and patience till our team resolves the issue from their end.

Thank you

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oh and PE Sections also needs to be fixed

as u can see .bqazzs Entropy is really high its 7.88 it should be SUSPICIOUS but its not pls fix that too

This was working in 2016-2017 and etc but now it does not work

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