XCS Causing systems to be laggy and slow

We have found 95% of our customers are facing the same issue since the Comodo upgrade to the latest stable version all their computers are preforming slow and are becoming unresponsive. Boot times are becoming 5+ mins when trying to login to windows, Doing tasks is taking alot longer.
remove comodo/CIS/XCS and everything spins up and works as expected put comodo back on and bang it’s slow again.

Anyone facing this issue? Know how to fix this issue?

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hi @monster-it

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Have you tried with having XCS installed and disabling one by one component to understand which is causing the issue.

Please do share your feedback with us on this . also if the issue is still persisting and to investigate the reported issue further , our team will need the local logs from one of the affected endpoints.
Request you to capture the windows performance logs when the issue occurs
How_to_collect_extended_Windows_performance_log.pdf (39.7 KB)
SlowIo2.rar (394 Bytes)
adksetup10.exe (1.6 MB)

  • If you wish us to collect the endpoint logs from our side, please let us know the name of the affected device and make sure Remote Access Support is enabled under Management > Account > Remote Access Support ( Xcitium Remote Access Support, Xcitium, Xcitium ). You may also find the necessary steps listed in the attached document. After this option is enabled, provide us with the name of the affected device on Endpoint Manager portal.

  • If you do not wish to provide us with remote access, and if the device communicates with the Xcitium Platform, run the the predefined procedure “Collect Comodo One logs using new CIS report tool” on the affected device - do not forget to provide us with the name of the device so we can identify the output on our side. However, if the device does not communicate with the Xcitium Platform, please download and run the following report tool on the affected device: https://download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/cisreporttool/cisreporttool.exe . The tool collects both XCC & XCS logs and attempts to upload them to our SFTP (Device name is included in the name of the output). To be able to to identify the logs on our side, please provide us with the local name of the device.

we are downgrade to 12.10 or 12.14

Yes we face slowness as well. Problem is the setting memory and CPU consumption that we define in the profile is not working. Also the way anti-virus definitions are done, it causes slowness.

hi @myr
apologies for the inconvenience caused,
could you please share us the performance log along with CIS report and screenshot of the profile settings to investigate regarding the issue further.

We have shared it as part of the ticket that we opened.

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We can’t as the client is an accountant and has a busy quater. but its affecting my laptop so i’ll run it on my laptop.

We had a client remove all Xcitium AV and replace it with something else because of the many issues like slowness, huge log files and that it simply stops working.

hi @SmartCloud

Apologies for the inconvenience

Request you to capture the windows performance logs when the issue occurs
How_to_collect_extended_Windows_performance_log.pdf (39.7 KB)
SlowIo2.rar (394 Bytes)
adksetup10.exe (1.6 MB)
Also capture the CIS report logs and share the details of the device name to our support@xcitium.com email address , we will analyse the details from backend and get back to you.

thank you

Which version of XCS were you using?

I dont recall the version but we reverted to 12.10 for the rest of the clients.
That one client just removed it and replaced it. It hurt our relationship going forward.

We’re not seeing performance issues with 12.16 so far,

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We have not seen any issues with 12.16 and thats what we have running now.
Before that 12.10 seems to be stable with little issues. Some of the versions between was problematic.

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