XCS 12.15 not installing

Trying to push out 12.15 but nothing is happening.
Does not even show in the install logs.
Just another thing thats not working.

Any suggestions?

hi @SmartCloud
Request you to repeat the installation of the 12.15 version after you have downloaded the log tool which will help us investigate the issue further.

could you please download and run the following report tool on the affected device: http://download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/cisreporttool/cisreporttool.exe

The tool collects both XCC & XCS logs and attempts to upload them to our SFTP (The device name is included in the name of the output).

Once the upload has been completed, please provide us with the local name of the device in order to identify the output on our side by dropping an email to support@xcitium.com with the error message if available , also if possible could you share video session for the team to look into and resolve the same .

Thank you

I have like 25+ devices not installing.

please do provide us logs for one device and rest of the devices , request you to mention the device names while dropping email to the support address.

You’re not alone, also issue with EDR 2.7. I will see what i can provide tech support.

@QuickSilverST check discord also is the EDR not working?

No it’s working but problematic to install/upgrade

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(post deleted by author)

why am i flagged? what did i do wrong

hi @Nik ,

We will remove the flag from our end, Regret the inconvenience caused.

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@nivedithab why am i flagged? is the system broken?

hi @Nik

it was marked flagged by another user as off topic to the original post ,

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who flagged me what is his username?

I’m seeing the same issue with both XCS 12.15 and CC 8.2. I’ve had them approved for install since a few days after release, and all devices are usually updated within days of doing so. This time for some reason lots of devices aren’t updating. I’ve tried cancelling the update and sending it again on all devices and usually a couple will update, but the rest still refuse to do so. The MSI Installation State says the status is ‘Downloading on Device - Communication Client - the update has started downloading on device.’ and never finishes. Most of them have had this status since July 11th.


@nivedithab pls fix this issues and say who flagged me what is his username on Xcitium forums

I will fix it from our end

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ok and who flagged me on Xcitium forums what is his username?

hi @Evernight2021

could you please check if there is use of local packages distribution enabled in profile settings or globally in portal settings. It may be the reason if case downloading from cloud is disabled.

Please do let us know your feedback on this if this work .

If the options are not enabled , we need logs to investigate from our end from the affected devices.

I had just enabled local package distribution prior to this update coming out and turned it off shortly after thinking maybe that was the issue.

could you please retry the installation and let us know if the issue persist and request you to collect logs and share it with us